BEach Inspirations: Be Love


Love is peace, Love is trust, Love is knowing, Love is being, Love is accepting, Love is me, Love is you.   Love is the foundation for peace, that inner peace that you might call bliss. It is a feeling that we experience when: ♥ we feel the love within, ♥ we are positive ♥ our […]

Beach Inspirations: Be Kind

be kind

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.~ Dalai Lama Are you kind to you? Sometimes we forget about ourselves in the kindness stakes. Do you give yourself one random act of kindness each day? It might just be: ♥ Looking in the mirror and saying I love you ♥  Taking time to treat yourself […]

Beach Inspiration: Be Joy


Joy floods in when you are connected to the you that loves unconditionally- Suzie Cheel BE Joy When we experience feelings of true joy  we usually have feelings of love and are at peace within ourselves. There can be feelings of pure bliss and excitement too. The word joy for me is a feel good […]

BEach Inspirations: Be Intuitive


“When you live an intuitively inspired life the world will come to you.” ~ Angela Artemis BEach Inspiration  Be Intuitive To be intuitive we must trust: ♥  Our heart whispers ♥  This little nudges that pull you towards anther path ♥  The voice  that says go here, when you were going down another street ♥  […]