7 Tools To Build Your Gratitude Muscle

Heart to heart

Giving Thanks: From My Heart To Yours Abundance Flows From The Wings Of Gratitude- Suzie Cheel Today all my American friends celebrate thanksgiving which too me seems a tradition that I would love to have as an annual event here in Australia.Every day is a day to be grateful for. Give thanks for the abundance […]

Making Art Every Day Is Empowering

heart whisper

In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine. –Ralph Waldo Emerson  On November 1st, I joined the The Art Every Day month challenge that Leah Piken Kolidas has been running for 10 years. and yes I have painted every day.  Some days more than once. 🙂 It was back in April 2011 that […]

Nice To Meet You, What Do You Do?

sunrise over snapper

“I prefer not to answer that question because I am more than what I do, but I’d like to ask you a question, ‘What’s awesome about your life?’”~Lissa Rankin This morning I accepted an invitation to a local business networking event next Wednesday night. As recently as a day ago that acceptance would have been […]

Color Prescription 7: The Crown Chakra

crown chakra

Working with The Color Violet and The Crown Chakra “Spiritual liberation is not at all a mere affair of the intellect, but rather the realization of the inmost Self, the inward vision of the soul, and the transcendence of the personality.” —Yogi Ramsuratkumar Violet is the color of the amethyst, lavender, violets, lilac, of loyalty, of spirituality, […]