Do You Find It Easy To Forgive Yourself?

I forgive myself

Why Forgiveness Opens Your Heart To Love. Are you holding onto “stuff” from your past that you thought you had forgiven yourself for? Last week while I was having a NLP session several memories from 11 and 12 years ago surfaced. These were events I thought I had let go of and people I thought […]

Do You Allow Your Heart Whispers To Guide You?

Heart Whisper Guide

Today’s post was inspired by the Messages from Your Angels card I drew this morning and a question from Pauline in her    comment on my post Does Your Blog Branding Give You Full Scope For Your Uniqueness? Hi Suzie, I’m so glad you wrote this. I struggle with this on my blog as well. I am so […]

Does Your Blog Branding Give You Full Scope For Your Uniqueness?

It is your uniqueness that allows you to be the change – Suzie Cheel (Click To Tweet) My preoccupation earlier this week has been with my new header. SuzieCheel site is being given a renovation, both inside and out. Some of the coding is sick and the “Plugin Queen ( addict)” needed reigning in. I did […]

What Stops You Shining Your Light On The World?

Heart Whisper by Suzie Cheel

Be Shining And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. ~ Marianne Williamson   The title of today’s blog post came to me in meditation this morning. My day started joyfully with a little excursion into Facebook and Linkedin on my mobile before I had […]