How to Meditate and Listen To Your Heart Whisper

A Simple Way To Start Meditating Today’s post has come in response to a request from Heart Whisperer Kim Stanley Lawyer when I posted the Heart Whisper Daily guidance card  Your Heart Knows yesterday in the Heart Whisper Circle. So today when I drew the Listen Card  I knew it was time to create a simple […]

It’s Time to Take The Big Vision Off The Shelf

Do You Have A Dream You Are Hiding From The World? In April 2016 I created my big business dream and I wrote about it here. Since then I have worked hard to make that vision my reality. About a month ago I came to believe that the problem was that I was not focussed […]

3 Ways You Can Reset Your Vibes To Be Positive

Let’s Make Positivity Louder Gary Vee shared this uplifting message on  Instagram yesterday and it raised my vibes. Watch and see if it changes your vibes. I became more determined to spread positivity. I have made this my September project here, and in the Heart Whisper Circle   I wrote:  Heart Whisperers Lets Make September a month of positivity and […]