Rebooting My Book Project


Making My Story A Reality After a day of feeling a degree of overwhelm, I realised I need to do some fresh prioritising or this book would never be finished In stepped my beach coach, Des. We were walking on the beach and I was sharing my current lack of progress. Des came up with the […]

Do You Find it Easy To Receive Love?


Yes this original painting is for sale details at the bottom of the post. Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Receiving Love? Do you really believe in you own self-worth? When I drew the Receive Oracle Card this week  I was reminded of how I used to be on receiving love and deflecting compliments. We […]

Is The Flame of Passion Lighting Up Your Life?

Flame of Passion

When you follow the path of your heart the flame of passion will light up your life. This card  inspired these questions that flowed onto the pages of my journal……… What is your true passion?  What drives you to live fully from your heart? What is it that feeds your soul? I wrote: Setting others […]