Time to Play a Bigger Game?

I am on a mission to make love go viral. What does that mean to make love go viral? For me: It means finding a few people who are open to learn how to love themselves at a deeper level,. A level most people haven’t even thought about and then spread that understanding, creating a […]
How I Trusted My Body Wisdom To Decide Whether to Take Up a Great Offer for My Personal and Business Growth
Who else has been to a Weekend 3 day event with multiple presenters, each offering , “Once in a lifetime” deals on their products and services? You know what I mean? The stack with services and bonuses listed with eye-watering values in thousands of $ And if you buy today the whole package is today […]
Creating Space to Be More of You! Building The Consistency Muscle
Snippets from my day on my new path to consistency, discipline, and the life I am choosing to create I have finally created some major changes in my daily routine so I DO CREATE MY DREAMS. They have been slipping away as I was not following through on what I said I was going to […]

Like me, you might have owned and used a variety of cards and decks for many years. And, like many people who have contacted me lately, you might be thinking you’d like to create your own deck. Which is why I’m hosting a webinar on the subject. It all started for me back in 2002, […]