A Simple Way To Allow Abundance To Flow

Would you like to have more abundance flowing into all areas of your life? YES! I hear you answer 🙂 I know I am always looking for different ways to allow my life to flow into a bigger river of abundance. When I more abundance flowing I can make a bigger difference to my life and the […]
7 Simple Ways To Unleash Your Joy Now

What Fills Your Heart With Joy Each Day? This week I m excited to be part of Unleash Your Joy a free virtual summit where you will learn new simple ways to allow more joy to flow into your life. This morning I decided to make a video on how I bring joy and happiness into my life each day: […]
12 Wayne Dyer Quotes That Influenced My Life

Did Wayne Dyer Influence You? I still remember the day in Sydney, 14 years ago when I met Wayne Dyer, such a humble man and heard him speak live for the first time. I remember Des asking him if he did workshops and he said: Deepak did those. Yesterday when I was opening my first BLAB I […]
Do You Ask Your Heart Whispers To Guide You On Your Why?

I drew the ask card from Daily Guidance with your Angels on Thursday morning and then I read Nicole Cody’s post “That Asking Space”. This was on asking for your why. I felt that there was a big message for me here. Ms Independence has had a challenge asking for help, anyone else get that? […]