Falls In The Night, Patience And Getting To Stillness

“The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.” ~ Ralph Marston I have become a modeller of patience- something my friend Heather Bestel aka The Feel Good Fairy called me recently.  I […]

Are You Celebrating Your Life Today?


I Am So Happy I Am Alive! July 16th was a special day for me. It was the day last year that I found myself in hospital with a kidney failure. This was an out of the blue event and quite scary as I had almost, well really no kidney function, I could have died. […]

Stop Your Procrastination and Let Your Light Shine

Have You Revealed Yourself to the World Today? When I woke up this morning my first thought was about the commitment I had made for my Online Studio Sale: this commitment was made to my special friend Heather Bestel. I am speaking to her tonight!!!! I then remembered  I had yet to reply to the wonderful Joy Holland  who […]

Can Your Creativity Be A Healing Force?

“Creativity is the door that opens my heart and listens to my soul’s whispers” – Suzie Cheel My creativity has become a daily part of my self-love healing process. My current form of creativity is my intuitive painting. I painted several series since the universe gave me a GIANT wake up call back in July […]