Goals Or Dreams? One or Both?

ARE DARING TO DREAM? What is your goal or dream? These were the words I wrote at the top of my journal page this morning. I crossed out the words goal or! I have decided to substitute the word DREAM for GOAL I have connotations to the word goal and too often I fear failure in […]
How To Keeping on Track When……..

One foot in front of the other, let’s remember that Rome was not built in a day, and thank goodness for this. There is plenty of time and if you try and rush it you’ll just end up having to start from square one all over again, and that’s hard work. You know how far […]
Can You Change Your Life In 28 Days?

Steve Aitchison is challenging you and me to change our thoughts in February. Steve is offering a free course and each day there is an exercise to do that will help to change our life, and as Steve says: “We can’t change our life if we don’t change our thinking habits. This week I talked […]