Grace Chose Me

Did You Choose Your Word For The Year? I have had an interesting time with the word I chose for this year Initially I was going to choose love and abundance as one of my goals this year is to be fully on the path to being truly financially free. I am doing this through […]
Did You Chose Your Power Word for 2014 From Your Head Or Your Heart?
Why Just One Word? “It is with words as with sunbeams–the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn.”~Robert Southey Last year I didn’t settle for just one word, I initially chose abundance and then I switched to Faith and made it even more complex by adding in fun, abundance, intuition, trust and heart […]
Will You Manifest Magic in 2011?
Have You Chosen A Theme For 2011? Have you chosen your theme for the year? Inspired by Mari Smith’s post My One-Word Theme For 2011: Commitment I have been tossing some words around over the past few weeks. star– be the star of your life and be okay about it. it also relates to my […]