Have You Celebrated Your Break Throughs For October?

You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream-seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers, to find your own path.~ Les Brown I have been inspired this morning by Sandra Pawula post Words In Focus: October  Sandra describes The flavor of October as Breakthoughs, a novel way to look at what you have achieved for […]

Falls In The Night, Patience And Getting To Stillness

“The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.” ~ Ralph Marston I have become a modeller of patience- something my friend Heather Bestel aka The Feel Good Fairy called me recently.  I […]

Do You Find It Hard To Ask For Help? I Do!


Please Help Me Move Forward Moving forward and letting go means asking for help and this can stop us moving forward. Now it is time for me to let go, so I can move forward and I am asking you to help me in this process. After 16 months on a journey to vibrant wellness […]

Full Moon Vision Board: October Dreaming


“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”. Eleanor Roosevelt What Dreams are stirring? What is Awakening? These were the question posed by the Southern Hemisphere Full Worm Moon on September 30th by Jamie Ridler who each month makes a Full moon dreamboard and then shares this on her blog. I […]