Be Celebrating You


Do You Celebrate You? Thanks to Lisa Murray for her post Stop Comparing Start Celebrating that I discovered the Declaration of Blog Lovin Tour and decided to join in. This weeks topic Celebration was at the front of my mind. I thought of the post I wrote a year ago  Are you Celebrating Your Life […]

Be Finishing: Fall in Love with Your Unfinished Projects


 * When comes to creative projects, do you feel like you are a great “starter” but not a very good finisher?” ~ Marney Makridakis Do you have a list of uncompleted projects?: that are maybe sitting on you computer….. In your to do book you made specially for all you inspirations that are going to create […]

Be Releasing of What Holds You Back


Beach Inspiration: Be Releasing. Forgiveness is the key to letting go. Forgiveness isn’t about releasing him or her, its about releasing you! -anon When we let go and release: the fear of what if this or maybe that, the unknown the fear of failure the fear of rejection the “I am not good enough” syndrome […]

What Does Your Inner Wisdom Want You To Know Today?


Do You Pay Attention To The Messages You Receive From Your Angels?  Maybe you feel a little nudge, a whisper in your ear? Yesterday I heard as I was preparing to meditate “Do a card reading first!” I picked up my Daily Guidance Oracle cards from Doreen Virtue and started to shuffle the cards. While […]