Do You Pay Attention To The Messages You Receive From Your Angels?

Daily Guidance

 Maybe you feel a little nudge, a whisper in your ear? Yesterday I heard as I was preparing to meditate “Do a card reading first!”

I picked up my Daily Guidance Oracle cards from Doreen Virtue and started to shuffle the cards.

While holding my daily question that I ask each morning in my mind: “What does my inner wisdom want me to know today that will move me closer to my transformation and freedom.” and then a pile of cards had flown out and landed on the floor.

There were 5 cards and I picked then up in the order they had landed in



Play, Showers of Abundance, Ground Yourself, See Only Love, Steady Progress. Interesting I thought. I remember when I trained with Doreen she stressed the importance of taking notice of these “fly out”cards.

I then noticed another clump of 3 cards: Daydream, Have Confidence and Entreprenuer lying on the floor


I then lit a candle, put my hand over my heart and started to meditate asking is there a deeper message here for me today? The answer I got was these cards will form a story for you…….So I decided to make a video- there are few technical glitches and I have released my need for perfectionism.)

When you play, you laugh, you smile, you have fun, your energy is high …. so this allows the abundance to flow   it’s tweetable

When I had looked at the first 5 cards I wondered what’s the message for me and I started to write:

When you play, you laugh, you smile, you have fun, your energy is high and your vibes are positive so this allows the abundance to flow and grounds you in your passion. Now you are following your purpose and you are loving and accepting all parts of you. As you focus on following your path, you will find the peace within, the steady progress you have made so far supports this in all ways. We know you would like to be moving faster, take time to reflect daily on what you have achieved and you will see that your desires are coming into being. We have shown you that through being patient, you heal, now apply this patience to your business and it will flourish.

I then looked at the next 3 cards and these words flowed

Take time each day to sit in nature and dream, see yourself receiving all that you do desire, feel how you will be when your intention manifests, see the color, experience the movement, create the pictures and be totally accepting that you are confident in all that you have to share, know that it will create the ripples of change you so often talk about. This will allow you to fully embrace your creative spirit entrepreneur skills and allow you to show others the way to their own true bliss, our joy that allows us to create the ripple effect of change. This is your purpose, your DHARMA.

This all resonated for me as I am working on moving my business forward under the umbrella of Love You, Love Your Life. I feel that I have truly found my purpose a way to bring my creative and spiritual passions together and it is exciting.  I will share more over the next few weeks.

Do you follow your nudges and the whispers you hear?

With Love,


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20 Responses

  1. My life was saved by an angel in the form of a truck that kept me from turning into an intersection in which someone ran a red light a minute or so after the light turned red!!! And I had just watched a program on TV about angels, so I knew exactly who was controlling that truck! I asked the name of my angel helper and in a dream, the name Ha-Nora appeared on a business card with a picture of an angel on it . They apparently have a sense of humor, too!
    And I talk to angels a lot!
    Love you!

  2. What stunning images Suzie! I’m one of those stubbornly realistic people who has to back up everything with scientific research, so it may be surprising to know that I actually DO believe in angels. In fact I’ve named my angel Joe – yea, unusual I know, can’t share the story why but there is a reason for the name. Anyway, far too many examples of those whispered messages not to believe. Thanks for the lovely read. 🙂

    1. Thanks Marty,
      I love that your angel is called Joe, mine is Lily, came in a guided meditation from my friend Angela Artemis. I love that you have been able to get wisdom and inspiration form those whispered messages without the need ofr the scientific back up
      Love Suzie xx

  3. Although I’m not interested in angel cards and readings for myself I love that you have this tool to give you such amazing messages. You messages today are very inspiring! Love you! Michele

      1. I believe in angels. I believe they are here to support us. I don’t believe in talking directly to them and I don’t believe in using cards. I took a class on angel readings. I gave the cards away. If people want to talk to them and do card readings then that is what they do. It’s just not right for me. I prefer prayer to get specific angel help and using meditation to listen to my inner-knowing.

        Thanks for your message.

  4. Love using my cards as Guidance. I currently have 2 decks that I choose from. I believe that your heart knows best and it will guide you in the best direction. When things don’t feel like they are in tune with a natural flow, then I know that it is not working. Just did this with the work that we are focused on and had to realize that it is really ok to change direction. Great blog and thanks!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you Yes i have a variety of decks to choose from- seem to be more guided by the angel ones though. Yes when we listen ti out heart whispers we are trusting and going with the flow. 🙂

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