How To Shift Your Disempowering Mind Chatter

Celebrate Your Wins

 Do You Beat Up On You Or Celebrate Your Wins No Matter How Small They Are? Today is January 31st and today I have my Monthly Planning Review Party with some other members of The Amazing Bix and Life Academy. It was time to review our Create Your Amazing Year Planners for January and plan for […]

Releasing What’s Holding You Back

Suzie's Crazy Sale

I asked yesterday in Your Weekly Heart Whisper: Do you find that holding on to “stuff”stops you? Maybe even holds you back? I know on Saturday as I was clearing a mountain of paper and many folders full of courses I felt my heart whisper it’s time to let go.  I felt good as I filled our paper recycling […]

Do You Believe in You?

Believe in you

   When we believe we can and take action on that belief we can soar and shine out light for all the world to see. We regain lost confidence, we heal, we drop the fear and the what if this or maybe that. When we let go and believe, we can then star in our […]

Did You Chose Your Power Word for 2014 From Your Head Or Your Heart?

Why Just One Word?    “It is with words as with sunbeams–the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn.”~Robert Southey  Last year I didn’t settle for just one word, I initially chose abundance and then I switched to Faith and made it even more complex by adding in fun, abundance, intuition, trust and heart […]