When You Be Love Your Life Changes

Our soul purpose is to be and express love. We dream of love, we yearn for love, and we make love, but rarely do we realize that we are love-Debra Reble How Loving Yourself Can Change the World Today’s post is a guest post from my good friend Dr. Debra Reble, whose book Being Love launches today.  You […]

True Freedom Is In The Journey

True freedom is in the journey

What does your perfect journey to freedom look like? How does that make you feel? I asked this question on my facebook page on Monday and  the answers got me thinking about the journey to freedom in new inspired ways. When I started blogging back in 2006 on the Abundance Highway: The tagline was  Journey to Freedom.  I […]

7 Simple Ways To Unleash Your Joy Now


What Fills Your Heart With Joy Each Day? This week I m excited to be part of Unleash Your Joy a free  virtual summit where you will learn new simple ways to allow more joy to flow into your life. This morning I decided to make a video on how I bring joy and happiness into my life each day: […]

Your May Abundance Reading

Heart-Whisper-May- Reading

The Focus For May Is Freedom The Heart Whisper Oracle card reading sets the focus for May. Starting with the Freedom card with the underlying message of letting go of fear. This can lead to being and feeling and having more  abundance and joy in you life.  Watch the video and reflect. See what arises for you as you listen to the messages. […]