How to Stay Positive When Your Life Is Going Pear Shaped


Some days I find it easy to be positive.  I wake up full of gratitude, I meditate, draw an oracle card, write in my journal and all’s well. I have planned my day the night before and I am full of smiles. The world looks bright, my vibes are high and the day goes well. I […]

How To Really Focus on Abundance for 2017


Let’s Make 2017 Your Most Abundant Year Yet! Here we are coming up to the end of another year and the beginning of a new one. Thinking about that a couple of weeks ago I realised I wanted to do everything I could to make 2017 truly a year of abundance, especially for my business. […]

Branding Breakthrough: Yes, Do Be True, Brand You!

The Branding Merry-Go-Round In a process that’s been going since March  finally my brand came together. If you have been reading and following my blog this year you will have noticed there have been just a few different looks as I explored who I am and who I serve. There was the bright bold look with […]

How Will You Boldly Step Into November?


Heart Whisper Meditation and Reading for November This month’s reading speaks volumes to me as I have been boldly finalising my rebranding. These were the words I wrote after I drew these cards and so I had the title for this blog post. This is your time to shine, to get out of your limiting box […]