Are Your Blocking Your Own Abundance?

blocking abundance

The importance of releasing abundance blocks is, obviously, that this is essential for allowing abundance to flow. I recognise that one of my abundance blocks right now is hanging onto artworks that  keep telling myself I am going to to sell and share with others. Hiding them away in my studio doesn’t delight anyone 🙂 […]



YES: ABUNDANCE DOES COMES THROUGH LOVE Where are you going? Are you on the path to love? These were my meditation/journaling questions Then I drew one of my favorite cards : ABUNDANCE So how does my question relate to abundance? Abundance comes when we embrace the love that is within. So when we stray away […]

Abundance Brings Me To ……………

abundance brings (1)

Creating Abundance is the theme for April Check out the reading for the month  here  The abundance I have in my life brings me…………… feelings of joy love and freedom. As I drove to the beach this morning I was feeling so abundant. I had woken up to the magic of the full moon still […]

Creating Abundance in April


Welcome to April The month of ABUNDANCE Yesterday I decided to draw a goddess card and it was Freya: BOLD Then today I wrote: I release my fears, I am no longer settling Because I am BOLD! Today I was called to draw a card first from one of my favorite decks, that I attracted […]