The Heart Whisper oracle card reading for May so delighted me. I felt totally in alignment.

How will it speak to you? 

I shared the cards when I met with a friend Kathy for a coffee as I was excited at what had been shown to me. She was excited too as she had only seen the cards online 

I love that my energy was flowing abundantly too. Kathy commented that I looked amazing. 

I had felt a shift recently both inwardly and outwardly

With my online business, I have been doing inner work and shifting energy.

Intermittent Fasting is changing my body shape and giving me more energy

Back to my theme of manifesting in May and the reading 

AS you listen to the reading and check out messages I trust that they will resonate how you can manifest magic in May 

FOCUS as our focus card for May: Get clear on your vision and call it in daily
The challenge is GRATITUDE , this might mean to restart your daily gratitude journal, do a daily gratitude rant that I do on the beach or read the Magic.

Gratitude flows from your loving heart and opens the doors to abundance Share on X

Then the MAGIC HAPPENS when we believe we are worthy and


Be BOLD and step into your brilliance and STEP UP AND SHINE

Knowing that by being in ACCEPTANCE by loving yourself unconditionally you will shine your light.

Yes embrace You and then you release all your limitations, the ones that have been blocking our ABUNDANCE to flow.

When you release all thoughts of lack, of not being enough, abundance flows. Share on X

Then  LOVE is fully present in you and you can 
I felt as the reading unfolded, that this was totally in perfect alignment with my mission and my purpose.
How did it speak to you? 


I feel the shift in my consciousness and my energy and I am ready to be BOLD and fully LOVE MYSELF INTO ABUNDANCE™

It is a choice I have chosen to take the monkey off my back and trust my INTUITION- my heart whispers.

Who’s ready to make the choice to LOVE YOURSELF INTO ABUNDANCE™ and to build an online business to support a location-independent, financially abundant lifestyle. If that’s you message me 

Love SUZIE 💜🙏🏽💜


Spread the love

24 Responses

  1. What a beautiful message, Suzie! I enjoyed reading and being inspired. I always admire your joyful spirit.

    The Heart Whisper Oracle Cards are gorgeous! I definitely need to work on focus and self-love at this point!

    1. Thank you, Vidya I love that I inspired you and I think focus and self-love are ongoing aspects of our life, that while we choose to continue to grow and expand this takes us closer to out dreams, I love you love my joyful spirit. This posts’ comments have empowered me xxx

    1. I love that Sandra, the word Joy is so important and this weeks reading brought that up. it always makes me think of our dear freind Joy who despite her real challenges emits joy xxoo

  2. I love your shining spirit Suzie…it’s contagious. I honestly have found in my life that it works from the inside out, so feeling genuine gratitude, love and joy definitely is a spark that lights my worldly experience with more things to feel great about. As Debra said it’s all about the energy we occupy, since life is one huge vibration of energy.

    1. Thank you Elle, you always have my heart smiling and singing. I love being contagious 🙂
      Yes it does work from the inside out, I know the more inner work I do the truer I am too myself.
      Joy lights sparks for sure. Yes it is our energy that increases out vibrations for sure xxoo

    1. Pamela your comment totally delight me and my heart. Love how my playful spirit has come out in this post and that you feel the passion. I don’t always see that playful spirit so it is a great reminder thank you xxoo

  3. Focus has been coming up for me too since the beginning of the month, Suzie, and I’m taking this post as a sign from the Universe that I need to approach things from a place of playfulness too.

  4. I love your playful spirit, Suzie. What a joy it is to read your messages and insights! You have a unique way of making manifesting magic fun!

  5. I too have felt an inner shift recently and the need to focus daily on my intention. Thanks for the validation Suzie and I love your bright beautiful card deck!

    1. Lisa that is amazing, yes making the shift to intentions I am finding takes remembering
      Thanks re the cards, that do seem to lift people and open hearts xo

  6. “Love yourself into Abundance” is a powerful statement. Inner work and energy shifting can make such a difference. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I love reading your posts, they make the work of manifestation seem so playful and joyful! as they should be. gratitude has changed my life in massive ways and I whole heartedly believe in it’s magic.

  8. I love you post Suzie and your beautiful being! I too feel that gratitude is the foundation for all abundnace. When we begin with appreciation for all that we have, we open the space for co-creating more of what we want. Abundance is all about energy and when we open our hearts in gratitude nothing else can exist except love and miracles. <3

    1. Yes Debra, thank you your words make my heart sing, yes gratitude is the foundation for abundance. I say Abundance sits on the wings of gratitude and brings in more love, joy, and happiness xxx

  9. I love the message in this post. I practice gratitude daily. I think abundance, at least in my life, is more of a perspective than a material manifestation. Maybe that’s what it is supposed to be for all? I don’t know. I can always use more materially, but I do have enough (it gets close at times) and for that I am grateful.

    I also practice intermittent fasting. I find it so helpful. Maybe there’s a lesson there for life – less is actually more! 🙂

    1. Debbie, I love your comment and yes relate to what you are saying yes abundance is a feeling I believe that is so much more than materially. I relate to it gets close at times too. Right now setting the intention to always being and having enough in all I be and do and have. I love the metaphor with IF Yes I think you are right- less is more and that has helped me this morning as I know I am trying to do too much💜🙏💜

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