Just Be YOU!

TODAY JUST BE YOU Today’s Whisper asks: What does my heart want me to know today? This was the question I asked myself. Then I drew the Heart Whisper Card: JUST BE Then came the words: Yes just be you, stop trying to be all things to all people, like you think you should be! […]

What is it I am most fearful of? Today’s question comes from Sally Thibault. Author of the book: Tapping to Reclaim you: How to Re-Ignite Your Passion, Power and Purpose in 30 Days ( I am currently on Day 21 of the course – from the book. Sally asked this question yesterday in her […]
When Louise Came To Visit

Question: How will I stay focused on my why, today? Yes Suzie you strayed yesterday and lost the plot! What if this or may that. Words from my Emergings poem came to mind. The anguish of What if this or maybe that? Procrastination over which path to take: Two steps forward one back Round and […]

Today when i began my day I started with the question: How will I feel safe today? In my journaling I wrote about Louise Hay’s mirror work. No wonder I got goose bumps when I heard about 8 am today when I was with a magical group of Daring and Disruptive Female Entreprenuers. that she has […]